Enjoy Exclusive Benefits and Incredible Savings
Join our platform to access a world of discounts, exclusive perks, and tailored offers designed just for you. Start saving while experiencing unparalleled convenience.
Simple Steps to Start Saving
How MyDesco Works
Create an account
Create your member account in minutes. Our user-friendly sign-up process ensures that you can get started without any hassle. Just provide your basic details, and you're ready to unlock a world of savings.
Explore Offers
Browse a wide range of exclusive deals. From discounts on popular brands to cashback on everyday essentials, our platform gives you access to curated offers across multiple categories. The intuitive search and filter options make finding the perfect deal quick and easy
Save More
From daily essentials to luxury purchases, every transaction is a chance to save more. With offers and exclusive deals updated regularly, you’ll find even more ways to stretch your budget and make every penny count.
Affordable Plans for Every Shopper
Pricing Plans for Members
Choose a plan that fits your lifestyle
& start enjoying exclusive benefits today.
VIP Plan
this is VIP plan for customers
  • Membership Portal access
  • Welcome Gift
  • Mydesco Calendar Events
Elite Plan
this is VIP plan for customers
  • Membership Portal access
  • Welcome Gift
  • Mydesco Calendar Events
Have questions?
Got Questions About Membership?
We’ve compiled answers to the most common questions about membership benefits and pricing.
How do I upgrade or downgrade my membership plan?
Visit the "Membership Plan" section and select the option to upgrade or downgrade. Additional fees may apply.
What should I do if I forget my password?
Click on "Forgot Password" at login, and follow the steps to reset your password.